
image Michael Brown

Hey! This stuff is the real deal, no exaggeration, no cap. If you want a more productive day try this product with your smoothie, coffee, or beverage of choice (hopefully not alcohol L.O.L). I Definitely feel better mentally, physically and overall.... Read more

image Kimberly Barfield

The most Potent, Powerful Seamoss I have ever smelled. I have smelled some fishy A** Seamoss before but this Seamoss smells very earthy….Sea Earthy and fresh like Sea Herbs. I first tried the Gold Seamoss first….I placed the Raw Seamoss in my hands a... Read more

What Our Customers are Saying....

Our clients love Lionsmaneseamoss and here's what they have to say about it!

Dear Lions Mane Sea Moss Family,

The moment I was introduced to Lions Mane Sea Moss I was hooked forever. Thank you for blessing me and my family with your sea moss.

I take it every day and incorporate it into everything. It has cleared up my allergies, asthma, and eczema giving wonderful glowing skin.

Health Coach Lainie

I am so glad that I was turned on to Lions Mane Sea Moss. I use Sea Moss on a daily basis and I have purchased from different sources; Some very familiar and some perhaps unfamiliar. Fortunately all of them have been up to par.

But Lion's Mane is by far the best that I've had yet. The soak swell yields much more for less moss than the others (I make my own gel) and it mixes deliciously with my fruit. Lion's Mane will be my go to from now on.

Fatimah Halim

I had amazing results from the beet juice Seamoss blend prepared for me by LionsManeSeaMoss. It lowered my blood pressure & I can feel the love.

Thanks for giving me the ingredients to make it.

Lionsmaneseamoss, may the lord continue to bless your business.
